

COVID19によって、個々の衛生管理を高め、3密を回避するために、自宅勤務、テレビ会議、勤務日数短縮、時差出勤などを可能にしました。これからを見据える場合、今までの慣行常識を切り替えていくことが我々には必要です。また企業には今まで以上の創造性や変化変容を推進する能力が求められています。例えばシャープと言えば大手電気機器会社ですが、液晶パネルを製造している三重工場のクリーンルームにマスク生産機器を購入してマスク製造を開始しました。またいくつかの酒蔵では品薄の消毒用アルコールの代替品としてアルコール度数の高い酒の発売許可が出て、販売も広がっています。また最近日本で開発された深紫外線LED空気清浄機でCOVID 19の除菌がほぼできることがわかりました。除菌能力は99.9%以上であり、手洗い、マスク着用とこの清浄機で元の生活を取り戻すことができるかもしれません。

COVID-19 is prompting us to change our habits in such ways as maintaining good personal hygiene, working from home, starting to do video conferencing, working shorter weeks or staggering office hours to reduce traffic. Getting rid of conventional ways of thinking may be a necessary evil if we want to move forward. At the same time, creativity and a change in how various industries operate will help us in order to move forward. For example, the electronics manufacturer Sharp, which is originally designed to make liquid-crystal display panels, is currently manufacturing surgical masks by using clean rooms in a factory in Mie Prefecture. Some Sake breweries are producing high-alcohol content liquids to use in place of the alcohol-based sanitizers that have become as scarce as face masks. A recently developed deep ultraviolet LED in Japan turned out to be very effective in weakening COVID19, reducing its infection capacity by around 99.9 %. Along with washing hands, wearing masks and new purifiers, we will be able to restore normal life very soon.
In the end, this crisis turned out to be the best opportunity to create a new business.
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” -Brene Brown
Let’s accept and embrace change, shall we?