

平和大通りは横幅100メートル、東西3.6キロメートルの長さがあります。5月の初め3日間は歩行者天国となり、「ひろしまフラワーフェスティバル」が開催され、いろいろな花が飾られ、緑地ではコンサートやその他の催しを当院の「高校部平和大通り校」から見渡せます。毎年150万人が参加する広島一大イベントです。今年、2021年は、昨年度に続き、コロナ感染のため、大幅に縮小して平和公園と旧球状跡地で花の展示が行われるそうです。さて、歴史を振り返ると、この平和大通り、通称100メーター道路は、もともと大幹線道路ではなく、防災道路、特に緑地帯として計画されました。1945年の原爆投下により、14万人の方々が同年12月末までに亡くなられ、多くの方々がひどいやけど・怪我をされ、放射能による白血病や癌などで苦しまれ、 今でも被爆後遺症で苦しんでいる方々がいます。2020年時点で死者数は32万人にもなります。その原爆投下日、100メーター道路建設に動員されていた義勇隊1万1600名中4600名死亡、勤労学生8200名中5900名がこの現場でなくなりました。女学生であった方の日記によると1クラス45名中7名欠席以外残り全員38名が死亡したそうです。さながら勤労学生や義勇隊員の悲惨な墓場になってしまったといえます。


Peace Boulevard is 100 meters wide and runs 3.6 kilometers from east to west. For three days at the beginning of May, the street becomes a vehicle-free promenade, and the Flower Festival is held. During the festival, Peace Boulevard During the festival, Peace Boulevard is decorated with many kinds of flowers, which makes a fine view from the windows of our “Heiwa-Odori” high school center.

Moreover, in green belts, various concerts and exhibitions are held at each stage. Every year, around 1.5 million people visited the festival. It has been reported that this festival will be scaled down in 2021 due to pandemic. However, it is a good opportunity to remember this Peace Boulevard, once called 100 Meters Road. On August 6, 1945, 75 years ago, an atomic bomb was dropped over the city of Hiroshima. Nearly 140,000 residents were killed and the survivors were severely injured and burned. The rest of them suffered or have been suffering from radiation-related diseases such as leukemia, other cancers, and so on. The total number of victims reached up to 320,000 as of 2020. A schoolgirl who was absent from school that day, wrote a story about what happened to her classmates on that day. All 37 female students who were mobilized to build a buffer zone (100 Meters Road) were killed and the total death toll of students rose up to 5,900, and the number of dead volunteer workers reached 4,600. The road turned into a graveyard .This Peace Boulevard is currently a major sightseeing spot, but it must also be a place to remember all the lives lost.