バナナや梅干は私達の健康に欠かせません。「全米オープンテニス」の女子シングルスを制覇した大坂なおみ選手や数人の外国選手は試合休憩中バナナを食べていました。横浜DeNAベイスターズに所属するルーキーの東 克樹もベンチに戻るとバナナをモグモグ。いったいバナナの効能はどれほどあるのでしょうか。アメリカのアパラチアン州立大学の研究論文によると試合前、試合中、バナナを食べるとスポーツドリンク同様成果向上ができるそうです。さらに、バナナ成分であるカリウムは熱中症を予防できるそうです。アボガド、パパイヤ、メロン、バナナといった食品に含まれるゴム乳液にアレルギーを起こす少数者を除けば、たいていの方の健康にすばらしい食品です。食欲をコントールしたり、血圧を下げ、骨形成に役立ちますし、大腸癌や食道癌などの消化器癌をも低下させます。受験勉強の合間のひと時にバナナはいかがですか。
A banana and a pickled plum a day make you healthy.
Some tennis players like Naomi Osaka at the US Open eat bananas during breaks Also, I happened to see that Katsuki Azuma, the rookie of the Yokohama DeNA BayStars, eats bananas during breaks. What happens when they eat bananas? Is it better and more effective than sports drink? I was surprised to see that research conduced by Appalachian State University concluded that eating a banana pre-or mid-workout helped to fuel performance as well as sports drinks do. Carbs available in bananas can be converted quickly into energy. Furthermore, potassium can help to prevent dehydration.
For ordinary people, except for a few people with an allergy to latex found in food like avocado, papaya and melon, a banana a day may be good for health. The advantage is that you will be able to control appetite, lower blood pressure, build strong bones and lower digestive cancers such as colorectal cancer and esophageal cancer. How about eating bananas during your study breaks at night?